Women’s March SLO is announcing a new initiative #WearAMaskSLOCounty to promote proper wear of face coverings in public spaces in order to slow the spread of the COVID-19. San Luis Obispo County has recently met the state’s criteria to move faster through Stage 2 of California’s Resilience Roadmap, allowing in-store shopping and dining in restaurants. As our economy begins to reopen, it is crucial that our community continues practicing social safety measures, including wearing a mask when in public. 

In the light of the data about COVID-19 spread, CDC recommends that people wear a cloth face covering to cover their nose and mouth in the community setting, along with continuing social distancing, frequent hand washing and other preventative measures. Cloth covering may prevent the spread of the virus from the wearers – including an asymptomatic ones – to others. While cloth covering is not intended to protect the wearer, it can protect others from becoming infected. 

Women’s March SLO organizers believe that promoting wearing a mask in public is a community service that will protect especially the most vulnerable populations. According to data, women are disproportionately affected due to existing social and economic inequalities. While both men and women are suffering the economic fallout of the virus across the world, women are more likely to live in poverty, earning smaller paycheck and thus have smaller savings, and are more likely to be in precarious jobs. The bulk of unpaid labor, including childcare and eldercare, also falls on women. 

Women’s March SLO urges local leaders, local organizations and members of public to help communicate this critical message to their friends and family. Wearing a mask will protect them and the members of the community, and support efforts of local businesses to protect the health and safety of customers and employees as well. 

If you are interested in joining the #WearAMaskSLOCounty campaign, please send us your photo, email us at [email protected], or just help us get the message out. More information will soon be available at womensmarchslo.com

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